ALICE Installation Logbook


This logbook summarizes and describes the day/day progress of the central detector installation, it contains the minutes of the daily 17:00 meetings and provides links to relevant documents. The documentation of all these details is essential because this sequence must be performed whenever the ITS is accessed in the future.


Last week before christmas:

Final TPC survey,  EDMS  Description. Excel Numbers. Analysis


Thu. 4.1.2007:

Pack TPC, remove cleanroom wall and roof


Fri. 5.1. 2007:

Pack TPC, remove cleanroom wall and roof


Mon. 8.1.2007: TPC Installation

Remove SSW fixation plates from spaceframe on A-side. 

TPC A-side feet are put on hydraulic jacks with clearance of 3mm.

Final survey of TPC rails in the spaceframe. Report number EDMS 810997Excel Numbers. Analysis.

Remove Material from SXL2,  Attach TPC to lifting jig, Move TPC onto hydraulic station, lift TPC with hydraulic station to the correct height. For the lifting, two of the four hydraulic cylinders are connected on order to avoid twisting the Delphi Frame. TPC feet are on screws, hydraulic cylinders ?


Tue. 9.1.2007:

Remove SSW fixation plates from Spaceframe A-side. Continue lifting of Delphi Frame. Install three elements of the Spaceframe Platform. Prepare blocks on low-beta platform for Delphi Frame.

Transfer lifting jig to SX2. Continue lifting of Delphi Frame. Enter truck to SXL2, place TPC on Truck, Move from SXL2 to SX2 (17:00-18:00). Lift DF with hydraulic jacks. Remove Truck.

At this point the Bottom of the Delphi Frame is at a height of 129, 134, 131, 128cm from the SX2 floor. The supporting beams are at a height of 97, 100, 98, 95cm with respect to the cavern floor.

Load test of SF platform passed. Allowed for 200kg/m^2.


Wed. 10.1.2007:

Lift DF a few cm, remove supporting bars and lower DF to SX2 floor.

Remove ventilation duct  to allow passage of TPC to cavern.

Minutes of 17:00 Meeting


Thu. 11.1.2007:

Attach lifting jig to DF. Turn DF 90 degrees (place for turning very tight). Lower DF to LowBeta Platform, start lowering 11:30, arrival on lowBeta platform 13:00. TPC axis perpendicular to beam axis. A-side of TPC facing I-side. Take charge from DF with hydraulic and meachanical jacks. Placement of the hydraulic jack attachment pieces on the TPC rails on DF. Transfer of Lifting Jig to Cavern Crane: Lifting jig is placed on side O of the delphi frame and then taken by the cavern crane, afterwards attached to Delphi Frame.

VIC for TPC introduction at 14:00. Procedure O.K. Document to be provided by W.R.

Minutes of 17:00 Meeting


Fri. 12.1.2007:

Installation of two elements of the SF platform.

Transfer of DF to A-side. Weight of DF+TPC+lifting Jig+Connecting Jig 30.8T. Scaffolding around the TPC support blocks in the way, partly removed. TPC arrives at A-side 12:00. Removal of Lifting Jig.  To SX2. 16:30 drink.

Displacement of TPC with respect to SSW. screws were opened to 3mm in cleanroom. At start of TPC transport, clearence was 1.5mm. Increased again to 3mm. During transport screws were 'slightly' touching from time to time i.e. by opening 0.5mm they were free again. Opriginal position of SSW with respect to TPC must be reestablished.

Minutes of 17:00 Meeting


Sam. 13.1.2007:

Installation of Transfer Rails. Scaffolding extension not needed. First alignment. Transfer Rails are touching the BSF on the O-side. BSF has to be opened by about 5mm, in order to arrive at a clearance of 2-3mm.



Alignment of  DF, preparation of DF fixations, preparations of opening of BSF, leak test of outer insulation volume (just checking that the output bubbles) --> O.K. Preparation of stations for geometers. Cleaning of TPC rails in SF and DF.

Minutes of 17:00 Meeting


Tue. 16.1.2007:

Opening of BSF O-side by moving the BSF feet with hydraulic jacks. Opening of 7-9mm which gives a clearence of 5-7mm between transfer rail and BSF on O-side. Clearance on I-side stays 2-4mm. --> BSF O.K.

Installation of Theodolite tripods on shielding wall. Survey of DF position. Excel File. Survey Report. Analysis.

Adjustment of DF is necessary.

Preparation for DF fixation. Final Cleaning of DF rails.

Minutes of 17:00 meeting


Wed. 17.1. 2007

DF fixed to concrete blocks. Survey brackets fixed to the shielding wall. Hydraulic jacks installed.

Minutes of 17:00 meeting


Thu. 18.1.2007

Adjustment of Delphi Frame. 3.5mm movement of entire Delphi Frame towards I-side perpendicular to the beampipe. Rotation of 8mm/5m.

Survey of new DF position. Survey takes a long time due to difficult access to survey stations and difficult access to DF rails for placing the targets.

Bretelles tensioned to 800kg on both sides.  Test of SSW displacement with screws only (no hydraulic jacks) was successful.

Comparator between TPC and SSW feet installed on C-side. 

Additional fixation of DF to iron blocks with 2x2 threaded rods.

17:00 meeting in the cavern. Discussion with geometers in cavern.

Minutes of 17:00 meeting


Fri. 19.1.2007

Finishing survey of DF in the morning. Results are satisfactory. Lowering of C-I-side SF foot by 2.85mm (measured with comparator) in order to have optimum spaceframe positioning. Installation of survey targets on TPC-A-side. Preparation of electric pump for TPC movement. Move TPC by 20cm -- O.K. Pump limit is set to 60bars --> xxxx kg.

14:00 meeting to discuss survey results. No 17:00 meeting.


Mon. 22.1.2007

Morning+Afternoon: Move TPC to parking position. Survey whenever TPC jacks are moved. Survey done with the two stations on top of the shielding wall.


Tue. 23.1.2007

Morning: Removal of C4 and displacement of ITS rails by Luciano Simonetti.

Afternoon: Move TPC from parking position to IP-382mm. Survey with station in the center of the shielding wall. TPC feet on O-side adjusted two times in order to pass the spaceframe bars.


Minutes of 17:00 meeting


Wed. 24.1. 2007

Morning: Discussion of survey results -- question whether to align at IP-382mm or in final position. Checking questions of access for alignment. TPC is rotated by 9mm. SF rails measured --> horizontal to 1mm --> TPC and not spaceframe is rotated. Measurement of ITS rails to see if it is compatible.

Afternoon: Move to IP. Final survey of TPC position and ITS rails+ITS fixations --> Measurements are consistent. TPC must be moved up by 9mm on side I and the lowered by 8mm on side A. After that, C-side must be moved by -3mm horizontally. Problem of access to screws for horizontal displacement becausue TPC services are running in front of it. Special key will be fabricated.

Minutes of 17:00 meeting


Thu. 25.1.2007

TPC moved as decided on Wed. 24.1. Survey gives results different from expectation. Especially the TPC foot on C-O-side shows -2mm vertical displacement although it wasn't moved. Pressure on Jacks on the 4 TPC feet quite different. One hydraulic jack stuck --> First priority for friday: Equalize pressure on the 4 TPC feet i.e. remove eventual internal stresses from the TPC. Jack repaired. Connection of A-side jacks to equalize forces. After that, connection of C-side jacks to equalize forces.

Installation of DF platform. UPN200 beams on the false floor for placing the feet of the scaffolding.

Minutes of 17:00 meeting


Fri. 26.1.2007

Connection of A-side jacks, A- side back on screws. Connection of C-side jacks, C-side back on screws. Jacks completely liberated. Survey (only at 16:00 because DF platform floor had to be removed). Survey results discussed in 17:00 meeting.

Relative position of SSW and TPC measured in order to have fixed reference. Comparators installed between SSW and TPC reference rods.

Hydraulic jacks for TPC displacement moved from C-side to A-side.

Minutes of 17:00 meeting


Mon. 29.1.2007

Alignment of TPC. A-side lowered by -7mm. C-side not touched. Survey on A-side shows -7.5mm while C-side shows -0.8mm  although C-side was untouched. Survey and Extrapolation error should be less than 0.8mm. Not really clear, however not a problem.

Next iteration: C-side lifted by 1mm and displaced towards the O-side by 3.5mm --> All values within +-1mm --> Alignment finished.

Insertion of ITS rails into fixation on frontabsorber.

Minutes of 17:00 meeting


Tue 30.1.2007

Installation of comparators between SSW and TPC reference rods in order to monitor the relative displacement. Two horizontal and two vertical comparators on each side. Start moving TPC to parking position + survey. Install C4. Power cut at 15:00 --> Stop.

No 17:00 meeting


Wed. 31.1.2007

Continue moving TPC to parking position. 12:00 TPC in parking position (4600+-5mm from IP). TPC A-side settled downwards by 2mm during extraction from IP (A-side on hydraulic jacks). Reason is the very slowly leaking hydraulic circuit.  ! 2mm were readjusted at the final position before the final survey !

Install DF platform floor. Installation of 2 cameras for monitoring of ITS fixation during final insertion. Problems with height of DF platform. Modification necessary.

Arrival of SDD team.

Minutes of 17:00 meeting


Thu. Feb. 1st 2007

Installation of WEB cams on TPC-ITS fixation points in TPC in order to see the engagement of TPC and ITS. Modification of DF scaffolding started.

Arrival of SDD detector. UNloaded to the working room at 14:00.

Minutes of 17:00 meeting


Fri. Feb. 2nd 2007

Lowering of DF platform (scaffolding) in order to arrive at 1200mm level with respect to the beamline.

No 17:00 meeting


Mon. Feb. 5th 2007

Installation of U-bars on top of DF scaffolding for ITS table. Installation of ITS table on platform. Preparation of fixations for U-bars on DF scaffolding. Installation of SF platform.

Removal of BF scaffolding in order to allow lowering of BF by 20mm. Installation of Scaffolding on TPC A-side in order to allow access to the TPC sectors for full test.

No 17:00 meeting



Feb. 6th - Feb. 21st

Test of SDD and repair of HV problems.



Th. Feb 22nd 2007

Integration of SSD and SDD


Fr. Feb. 23rd 2007

Start of SDD cable and pipe routing on SSD cone.


Mon. Feb. 26th

Routing of SDD cables, pipes and fibers on SSD cone.

Minutes of 17:00 meeting


Tue. Feb. 27th

Routing of SDD cables, pipes and fibers on SSD cone, soldering of SDD cables, leak test of SDD cooling pipes


Minutes of 17:00 meeting


Wed. Feb. 28th

Routing of SDD cables, pipes and fibers on SSD cone, soldering of SDD cables, leak test of SDD cooling pipes


Minutes of 17:00 meeting

