Fri, 12.1.2007, 17:00, present: Fabjan, Klempt, Riegler
Alignment work on Saturday by DT1. No support from DBS needed.
Delphi Frame will be covered on monday with plastic material that was used for transfer of TPC from SXL2 to SX2.
Material for fixation of DF to concrete blocks to be prepared on Monday. Threaded rods and bolts ...
Supports for survey and placement of the survey targets to be prepared on monday in order to be ready for DF survey on tuesday.
Procedure for alignment of TPC in final position must be worked out. SSW and TPC must be aligned together. Procedure to be established by tuesday.
Reestablish relative original position of SSW with respect to TPC.
Dismounting of ITS rail fixation C4 when TPC arrives at Frontabsorber on thursday or friday (Simonetti to be at CERN)