Thu, 11.1.2007, 17:00, present: Fabjan, Klempt, Lesenechal, Lenoir, Riegler, Moris

Final survey of DF position earliest on Tuesday. Main discussion on Access.

3 access questions

1) Access to end of TPC rails in the spaceframe: J.C. Labbe will prepare two sections of the SF platform on Friday morning

2) Access to TPC Tranfer rail connections: Extension to existing scaffoldings will be provided by MADA after DF is transferred to A-side (firday afternoon)

3) Access for surveyors to look at TPC rails in DF and TPC during displacement. The optimum is to fix a bracked to the shilding wall (PP0 place) and stand on the PP0 shielding platform. One etage of scaffolding must be added. Meeting with surveyors on friday 16:30 to discuss positioning of theodolites.