Wed. 10.1.2007, 17:00, present: Leistam, Klempt, Glassel, PBM, Lesenechal, Lenoir, Riegler, Evrard

Attach jifting jig and lower TPC to lowBeta platform on thursday 8:00. Because the hook of the crane accumulates a tilt during the descend, the DF is turned in SX2 to an orientation that avoids endangering the TPC.  Transfer of lifting jig to cavern crane, installation of hydraulic jacks (for TPC displacement) , more preparations.

Transfer of TPC to A-side in front of magnet is scheduled for friday morning. TPC will be placed on blocks  and lifting jig removed. Alignment of TPC will be done on saturday.  

Comment was made that too many persons are present during TPC operations. Reporting line to crane drivers is not clear. Action: Define reporting line, delimit the work area and allow only the relevant persons inside the delimited zone.