Tue. 19.1.2007, 14:00 present: Glassel, Munzinger, Leistam, Riegler, Klempt, Haas
TPC at IP-400mm. In general no major problems. SSW moves with respect to TPC on the order of 1mm. Gliders of TPC on side O had to be adjusted in order to pass the spaceframe bars.
1) SF platform was taken out of the spaceframe too early -- access to pulling device fixations was very difficult --> next time keep one SF platform element until the very end. At the end a small extension platform must be fixed to the backframe.
2) Coactivity in BF was not pleasant. For final introduction of the TPC we will have only TPC people in the magnet. Nobody in the backframe.
TPC electronics test will be done when the TPC is in the parking position --> 3 weeks until ITS and beampipe arrives.