Tue, 16.1.2007, 17:00, present: Klempt, Evrard, Riegler, Fabjan
BSF was opened by 7-9mm giving a clearence of 5-7mm for transfer rail. This is acceptable and the BSF position is now O.K.
Material for fixing DF to concrete block is prepared and fixation wil be done on wednesday by Serguei and Dominic.
Hydraulic Jacks (for TPC displacement) will be installed on wednesday.
Procedure for alignment of SSW with respect to SF will be discussed with P. Glassel at the 17:00 meeting on wednesday.
Covering DF with plastic will finally not be done becausue the TPC stays inb the DF for only three more days. The parking position is outside the spaceframe, so the TPC will be inside the L3 magnet.
Survey bracket will be fixed to the shielding wall on wednesday.
DF position survey results are shown in the logbook. DF to be aligned better.
HMPID detector must be covered with Mylar foil in order to protect it from persons stepping on it.
Wednesday 11:00. SPD installation discussion at P2 with Pepato+technicians.