Tue. 27.2.2007, 17:00 present: Riccati, Tosello, Fabjan, Riegler, Leistam

SDD cable routing: Cable routing and soldering is progressing. Discussion of cable routing with SPD group. SPD cone mockup prepared in order to check if SDD cables are compatible with SPD cone. Pepato will verify if the SPD mockup corresponds to the final design. MOckup is then available from thursday on to do tests on SDD.

Leak tests on cooling lines showed some problems. Test is performed with 2.5bar overpressure nitrogen. Leaks show up from time to time on a connection outside the cone. Definitely not a leak on the endladder. To be investigated.

PCBs for testing of soldered cables and connectors will be ready on thursday morning --> Start of testing.

SDD cable trays on frontabsorber: PCBs can be repaired by machining. Production of patchpanels continues. Cable trays can probably be finished before the end of the week. Installation to be planned for next week.