



Measurement of rail flatness

Measurement report EDMS document 545822. In this report 'Cote Saleve' is the RB24 = Shaft Side. Cote Jura is the RB26 = Muon Side.

A summary of the measurements can be found here.


Definition of frontabsorber axis, marking the horizontal plane on the side of the frontabsorber, measurement of the frontabsorber envelope.

Measurement report EDMS document 566362


Frontabsorber placed on temporary support, leveling. Alignment of spaceframe with respect to frontabsorber. Measurement of position of welded plates for ITS rails fixation mechanism.

Measurement report EDMS document 570684




Tuesday 8.3.2005

Delphi frame moved to final position using large crane and special lifting jig. Delphi frame is aligned with respect to the space frame to a few cm. Requirement of relative alignment of DF to SF is 1-2mm. Alignment  will be done with levels. Most probably no survey needed.


Wednesday 9.3.2005

Alignment of DF to SF. Exact (<couple of cm) placement of DF with crane is not easy. Because DF is a bit inclined when hanging, not all 4 feet are touched at the same time when the DF is lowered and it starts moving 'wherever it wants'. DF ended up about 2-3cm away from the nominal position. Hydraulic jacks for vertical adjustment. Screws for horizontal movement of 2-3cm. Horizontal movement brings tension into DF, 'relaxation' of these tensions by placing DF on Teflon during movements is necessary.


Thursday 10.3.2005

Alignment of DF with respect to SF finished, +-1mm. Water levels and measure tapes sufficient. No survey or optical niveau necessary.


Friday 11.3.2005

Installation of transfer rails, adjustment of transfer rails i.e. alignment with DF and SF rails by using rulers. Fixation of DF to the ground (to avoid tipping during load test). Setup ready for load test.


Monday 14.3.2005

Start of load test. Installation of concrete blocks for safety, installation of two I-bars and preparation of 10 blocks (1T each). Preparation of gadgets for test of 'horizontal' load.


Tuesday 15.3.2005

Load test: Transfer rails are ca. 3m long. Deflection was measured with an optical niveau at three points along the two transfer rails.

Load test performed at two points:

1) Distance of 1m from the spaceframe: 5.75T + 5.75T, 3.75T+7.75T, 7.75T+3.75T --> O.K.

2) Distance 10cm from the Delphi Frame: 4.75T + 4.75T --> then stopped. Some parts of Delphi Frame show unpleasant deformation. 'Easy' to fix by putting more screws.

---> Since TPC is very light at the moment --> moving TPC for integration test is O.K. 'Correction' of Delphi Frame will be done during integration test. Another load test is necessary at the end of the integration test.

DF+SF ready for movement of TPC !

Preparation of Bretelles for TPC.

Measurement report EDMS document 574883


Wednesday 16.3.2005

Bretelles finished. Tension gauges are still missing. Preparation of pulling device. Removal of concrete blocks (safety for load test). Mounting of reference points on endplate for measurement of TPC during movement.


Thursday 17.3. 2005

Preparation of pulling device, hydraulic etc., first movement of 20cm, working well.


Friday 18.3.2005

TPC moved by 5m (still 3.7m to go). Survey of vertical movement of the TPC during movement with optical Niveau. No serious problems. Temperature on TPC arrives at 29 degrees (sun shining on TPC through window).

Measurement report EDMS document 575793

Targets for vertical movement are placed on the inner ring of 'Mires'. Left side (seen from absorber) target at X=-0.7239m, Z=0.1637m. Right side target (seen from absorber) at X=0.7206m, Z=-0.1561m (values from EDMS 576136)


Monday 21.3.2005

TPC moved into final position. Starting at 8:00, finished at 12:00. For extensions of rail supports in order to move the last meter the correct orientation of the jacks must be kept in mind. For the measurement the actual position before starting was defined as zero. NO measurement in comparison to Friday was down in order to see if the TPC has moved over the weekend.

Measurement report EDMS document 575793

Targets for vertical movement are placed on the inner ring of 'Mires'. Left side (seen from absorber) target at X=-0.5010m, Z=-0.5412m. Right side target (seen from absorber) at X=0.7206m, Z=-0.1561m

(values from EDMS 576136)

TPC final position defined by distance of 900mm between TPC center and frontabsorber face. Spaceframe not well aligned in 'longitudinal axis'. Offset around 2cm. No problem for this test. Later very important since in order to take out the transfer rails one has to dismount parts of the SSW gliders -- so the alignment in this direction is crucial.

12:00-20:00 Measurement of TPC position with respect to Absorber Axis. TPC axis defined by the center of the circle given by the reference extensions (mires). Measurement shows offsets in vertical and horizontal direction of up to 5mm.

Measurement report EDMS document 576136

Torino group arrived in the afternoon. Truck unloaded. Assembly of tables.


Tuesday 22.3.2005

Preparations for moving TPC to parking (garage) position. TPC pulling device brought to the other side of the TPC.

Correction of TPC position in order to align with absorber axis. Correction monitored 'online' with  theodolites.

After correction, once more a full measurement of the TPC position with respect to the absorber axis.

Measurement report EDMS document 576136

Installation of concrete platform in the Delphi Frame for tables holding the ITS rails. Table surface 120cm below TPC axis. Distance 15cm from SSW envelope. Width 320cm, length 400cm.


Wednesday 23.3.2005

Move TPC to parking position. Survey done. Difference of vertical position on both sides of TPC between final position and parking position measured.

Measurement report EDMS document 578505


Thursday 24.3.2005

Install scaffolding in front of TPC (around absorber). Finalize platform in Delphi Frame.


Tuesday 29.3.2005

Put barriers around platform in Delphi Frame. Torino group arriving. Installation of ITS rail fixation gadgets on frontabsorber. Modifications of C1-C4 rollers: openening 'claws' by 5mm. Problem with scaffolding -- structure in front of TPC inner cone. Scaffolding too far from TPC (50cm).


Wednesday 30.3.2005

Installaton of ITS rail fixation gadgets on frontabsorber. Preparation of ITS rails. Placement of ITS table on platform in Delphi Frame.


Thursday 31.3.2005

Installation of ITS rails. Alignment of table.


Friday 1.4.2005

ITS rail adjustment. In order to be able to take out the rails the barriers on the table in the delphi frame must be properly defined in height.


Monday 4.4.2005

Survey of frontabsorber front face (ring) in order to define the IP (900mm with respect to frontabsorber). Survey of TPC rails in order to check the planarity of the rails and in order to check once more the actual position if the spaceframe.

Assembly of beampipe chariot. Beampipe arrived at P2. Beampipe placed in chariot.

Alignment of the ITS rails with respect to the theoretical axis.

ITS rails have 160mm height. They were aligned such that the top edge is 79mm above the theoretical axis and the bottom edge is 81cm below the theoretical axis.

In transverse direction they are aligned symetrically with respect to the AXECONE point.

After Alignment: Looking at the setup from the absorber side, the rails on the left side is 0.08mm higher than the theoretical line and the right rails is 0.02mm lower than the theoretical line.

Close to the TPC (@C4) the left rail is 0.97mm lower than the theoretical line and the right rail is 0.84mm lower than the theoretical line.

Measurement report document EDMS 580350


Tuesday 5.4.2005

Installation of beampipe chariot and RF valve chariot. Placement of beampipe on this chariot. Installation of 'composite ring' and 'magnesium ring' (fixpoint) at the frontabsorber + installation of beampipe in frontabsorber. Alignment of beampipe with nominal axis was done by referencing the beampipe to the ITS rail (centering between the ITS rails, 79-30=49mm below the ITS rail surface).

Installation of ITS to ITS parking position, installation of beampipe.


Wednesday 6.4.2005

Study of beampipe installation sequence and checks on beampipe support collars. The long cantilever arm of the beampipe chariot is vibrating too much and will need additional support at some points. --> written in paper logbook W. Riegler ... to be added here.


Thursday 7.4.2005

Study of beampipe installation. How do we bring the beampipe on the chariot ? Wooden box currently holding the beampipe fits through the Delphi Frame --> was checked with crane drives.

Do we install the beampipe chariot first and put the beampipe into the chariot afterwards ?

Do we bring the beampipe in the bakeout shell and install beampipe+beakout shell on the ITS rails ?

With the current table (used for the installation test), the beampipe is sticking 120cm into the SSW. If one could extend the table by 120cm one could install the bakeout shell on the ITS rails 'from the top' without 'feeding' the tip of the beampipe into the TPC. This seems most convenient, but it requires that the table and also the concrete platform is extended by 120cm.

Extending the concrete platform by 1m, one is still inside the delphi frame, the last section must simply be smaller than the nominal width of 320cm.

The seems to be the safest baseline solution:

Platform is 520cm (instead of the current 400cm). ITS table 'has no bars on top.

1) Beampipe chariot and temporary support chariot are placed on the ITS rails.

2) Bakeout shell holding the beampipe is put on the concrete platform in the transport box.

3) Bakeout shell holding the beampipe is lifted out of this box with a stiff lifting jig fixed to the bakeout shell in several points in order to avoid sagging of the beampipe

4) Bakeout shell is placed on the chariot from the top and fixed to the chariot.

The same procedure can of course also be done without extending the ITS table. In this case one has to has to insert the beampipe by 120cm into the SSW & TPC, which might be O.K. but isn't very nice...


Friday 8.4.2005

Removal of section 1 of bakeout shell. Connection of beampipe on absorber flange. Installation of T0 support. No problems. Installation of beampipe monitoring system. Triple Prism on ITS. BCAM on frontabsorber. 


Monday 11.4.2005

Installation of V0. No problems. Most probably installation works without special installation tooling: Beampipe is still fully protected by bakeout shell. Access is not difficult. V0 is not heavy.

Routing of V0 fibers must be investigated ...


Tuesday 12.4.2005

Installation of T0 detector. Removal of second section of bakeout shell. parts of Be beampipe already unprotected -- however not necessary: shorten section 2 in order to still protect Be beampipe during T0 installation.

Two halfs, both pre-cabled. Routing of cables to be discussed. Distribute cables over V0 or route cables in one place. To be discussed with physics people ...


Wednesday 13.4.2005

Arrival of FMD group. FMD3 mockup assembled. Preparations for installation of temporary FMD support by Torino group. Position of temp support will define position of ITS: i.e. temp support must be well positionend with respect to the frontabsorber (+900mm from IP).

For the test: Position accurate to approx 1mm. For final positioning: Jig provided by Torino group must be aligned with respect to frontabsorber face (measured by face of flange. To be done by geometers. Will define once and for all the FMD support position.

All alignment is done with respect to the ITS rails (vertical + horizontal). Adjustment devices for final installation must be developed.

Discussion with FMD group: The single cable tray provided for FMD will be very tight. The four cable trays for V0 are definitely not full. Idea: Put power cables for FMD in the two top V0 cable trays (power cables for FMD are thick). No patchpanel required. Just let connectors laying in the tray. This way the single FMD cable tray is sufficient for the readout cables.


Thursday 14.4.2005

Installation of temporary FMD support (morning). Installation of beampipe fixation collar on beampipe. Installation of the two FMD cones. Connection of beampipe fixation cables to the FMD. Alignment of beampipe with respect to axis. Installation of temporary fixation for bakeout shell in order to avoid vibrations. Installation of service chariots on the ITS table.

For alignment of the temp support with the ITS structure the ITS is moved to the temp support in order to touch it 'precicely' in all points. For the action -- all 'stuff' on the front face of the ITS fixation point has to be removed (prism -- switch) -- and can be only installed afterwards.

If one could place the power cables for FMD on the V0 trays -- two on the top right V0 tray ond two on the bottom left V0 tray -- together with the HV cables -- the routing would be much easier. The FMD tray would then only hold the cooling lines (if necessary) and the readout and control lines. To be discussed !!

Installation tools for FMD cones are necessary, since the FMD silicon are very close to the beampipe. Many options possible. Maybe something on the temporary support which first fixes the FMD at a larger distance from the beampipe (displaced vertically). Then the FMD can be lowered to the nominal position by some mechanism.

FMD has 'open' dectectors and 'open' wire bonds. If something falls into the FMD cone --> disaster !! One should think about protection of the openings in the FMD cone.

Beampipe fixation mechanism works very well. Concern: One would like to fix the mechanism on the FMD and the collar on the beampipe. Then one would like to feed only the cables into the mechanism. In order to crimp a 'stopper' on the cable one must however dismount the fixation brackets ,, so there is some concern that somethin could fall into the FMD ---- to be discussed.


Friday 15.4.2005

Exact alignment of the beampipe with respect to the rails. Attention: Beampipe axis must be at 80mm distance from the ITS rail edge, i.e. 1mm below the theoretical axis !

Vertical position was measured with ruler, horizontal position was measured with a large caliper. Alignment accuracy <<0.5mm. Method is of course unusable for final installation. A bar referenced to the ITS rails is needed will be mounted. Two distance gauges will be fixed on it -- one touches the beampipe on the side, one touches it on the top. Like this one can monitor the position during the alignment procedure. To be prepared !!

The attachment in 4 points is not ideal. One can end up in a stable position of the beampipe where three cables are tight and one cable is totally loose -- which we don't want. Therefore a tension-meter must be used in order to verify that all the 4 cables have the same tension.

Changing to three fixations is not feasible at this point. The '4' geometry fits well with the FMD structure, alignment is a bit more tedious, but not really a problem. 0.5 days for beampipe fixation are feasible -- 1 day would be very comfortable.

The tension will be 10kg max, probably 5-7kg nominal.  In the fixation mechanism one must make slots instead of holes for the cables -- in that case one can bring the cable with the two crimped pieces and one doesn't have to crimp in place or remove the fixation mechanism.

The FMD cones must be covered !!

The bakeout shell can arrive up to a distance of 5cm from the FMD cone -- i.e. very close to the Fe-Be braising.

The cable trays on the frontabsorber arrive just at the tungsten part. There must be something to fix the cables on this tungsten part -- otherwise we have a mess. Some kind of general purpose fixation stuff -- must be invented. Most probably as a part of the cable tray support mechanism.

Routing of T0 cables: Optimum according to Juergen & Karel is: radially to to the outside and then outside around V0. IN that case however one ends up with quite different cable lengths. Some compromise must be found.


Monday 18.4.2005

Start of Pixel Detector Installatoin. Pixel will be installed in two halfs on a special chariot -- a gived distance from the final position, and will then be slided to the final position. Connection of services on the absorber side is still difficult (or impossible) due to the presence of the temporary support.

Problems of access were discussed:  The platform is installed 120cm below the beamline. This is nice for installation of detectors and installation of  services on top of the frontabsorber. Connection of services on the bottom side of the frontabsorber is very difficult. Having a 'lower' platform under the frontabsorber and also under the service chariot position (close to the TPC) seems inevitable !

Services for Pixel on RB24 side have to be 'unfolded' while the outer ITS is moved to the final position. This is a very tricky part since the services are again 'cantilevered' on an already 'cantilevered' Pixel Detector. Maybe a connection to the last section of the bakeout shell can help there.


Tuesday 19.4.2005

Installatino of outer ITS. RB24 Pixel services are unfolded. ITS is slided to final position. Transfer of load from temporary support to the ITS is performed. It can be assumed that ITS, FMD, Pixel DOESN'T move at all during thei opaeration. After transfer of the charge -- the ITS+PIXEL+FMD structure is move 'slightly' towards RB24 in order to remove the temporary support (top & bottom).

Connection of Pixel and ITS services can now start on RB25 (frontabsorber). Services for SSD and SDD are sticking outwards vertical to the beampipe -- around 30cm ---> for connection of Pixel services one has to work between this wall and the frontabsorber 'patchpanel wall'

The most difficult object to connect is are the stainless stell cooling pipes for Pixel cooling -- a [swatchlock] connection with a metal insulation washer (which could fall down) must be installed.

In total -- 10 identical Pixel connections have to be made.

Connection of services is crucial.


Wednesday 20.4.2005

Cable trays were fixed in a better way.

Discussion on FMD + V0 cables with Jean-Yves. Bending V0 fbers such that they are touching the absorber surface is possible. Placing the connectors at an angle 'towards' the absorber might help. Sensitive area of V0 starts about 4cm insode outer envelope --> one can do the azimutal T0 cable routing on the perimeter of the V0. Putting the Power cables of FMD in the V0 cable tray is possible from point of view of space. However: V0 fibers are preinstalled and Pixel patchpanel is on top of of the V0 cable tray. Since there is not enough space for a FMD power cable patchpanel the connettors are simply laying inside the cable tray. However there is no access 'under' the Pixel patchpanel, so the connectors can only be at around 50cm from the absorber face OR there is a very small patchpanel.

V0 fibers have the same length but come from different points from the detector, so one has to compensate this somewhere. PMD box is large enough in order to do this compensation there ?

Temporary FMD support is installed on wheels on the RB24 side in order to study tooling for FMD2 installation. To be studied on monday.

Tool for beampipe alignment was studied. Two distance gauges (top and side) will be fixed to a bar that is referenced to the left rail (looking from absorber side). Display should be visible during adjustment of beampipe supports. If possible battery powered in order to avoid complications.

Temporary support foir FMD3 can be used for Service Pixel Cone on RB24 and FMD on RB24. Seem definitely feasable.

Service Chariot was move to final position in order to verify clearances -- no problem.


Thursday 21.4.2005

Fixation of ITS services on service cone.


Friday 22.4.2005


Monday 25.4.2005


Tuesday 26.4.2005

FMD2 installation. Temporary support is used. Installation tooling must still be adapted. Two halfs of the FMD must 'slide' into each other from top and bottom side, and not horizontally -- since Silicon Detectors of top and bottom half are 'interleaved'. General problem of PINS must be discsuued: If we want very high precision of detector positioning we have to use pins with very small clearance -- dange: we don't get them in ... it would seem that a positioning error of +-0.1mm must be sufficien -- this way the pind have enough play and one will manage easily. precision of 0.01mm would be extremely difficult. Template for pins will be built by Luciano and can be sent to the different sites in order to check for compatibility.

Beampipe fixation was working O.K. cables are a bit too long ... minor porblem. Fixatino mechanism is too close to silicon detector plane ! A cover for the detector plane must be foreseen and the fixation must be moved further away. In principle the same fixation as for FMD3 can be used. this way the fixation is automatically further away. Beampipe was aligned to better than 0.1mm with respect to the rails. Cable tension, rupture limts, reasoning for parameter choice and allowed beampipe deformation must be well defined with VAC group.

Service chariot is moved to final position. Security fixation of Rail fixation mechanism is opened. Setup finished !!

ITS is lifted by 3mm --> Now 2mm above theoretical axis.


Wednesday 27.4.2005

Morning: Scaffolding is removed. Blocks for surveyors are installed. Afternon: TPC is moved by 1m (rear TPC feet are still on outside transfer rails). BCAM monitoring shows that ITS moved down by 0.8mm. To be understood.


Thursday 28.4.2005

TPC move to final position. Vertical displacement of TPC was measured with two niveaus. All points follow quite well the expected profile, but shifted up by 1mm. It was verified (by looking up the positions of the AXIS LEFT and AXIS RIGHT points on the absorber with respect to two 'old' theodolite that the frontabsorber is 1mm lower than during the last measurement when the TPC was aligned ! Surprising but not completely impossible ...

Operation without problems. Transverse force on C4 was checked by turing the pins that guide the rails on the top. If the pins ca not be rotated the force is too large --- one could easily rotate them so there was no problem of transverse force. C4 was dismounted at the same distance where C3 is arriving. At this point the bottom rollers were already freed by 0.1-0.2mm, so the dismounting was easy.

Further advance without problems. For the last few cm the service chariot was taken out in order to go inside the cone and watch the spheres entering the V's. Again, no problem. Green endswitch turned on. After that the TPC was moved again by 1.7mm until the red LED turden on. Small gear movement with hydraulic is really precise -- 0.1mm possible.

ITS was lowered and is finally hanging on the TPC. RF valve was demounted since we don't have a table. service chariot was dismounted since fixation to the SSW is not there.

A remote camera must be installed in order to watch the spheres entering  into the V's.

Measurement report document EDMS 588335


Friday 29.4.2005

Beampipe chariot was dismounted (from the bottom). Beampipe was fixed temporarily to the SSW. Rails were taken out. No problems there. Access is given with a movable staircase. How to do it in the PIT must be seen.

For reinsertion of the rails -- the 4.5m between the platform and the TPC must be bridged in order to hold the ITS rails. Something hanging from the transfer rails seems appropriate.

At the moment the ITS table is aligned with the TPC since it was set up when the TPC was in the parking position. Finally the TPC is in the final position when the ITS table must be aligned. Some kind of optical system will be needed.

It would in general be a better way of starting the integration: Move TPC to final position. Align ITS table. Insert rails through the TPC into the fixations on the absorber. Return TPC to garage position.

ITS table has to be open on the top since the beampipe together with it's bakeout shell will be brought from the top !

For the final insertion we want to have a gauge that continuously measures the pressure in the hydraulic system which will give the actual pulling force. Since the pulling will be done by a motor the system should electronically monitor the pulling force in order to give an alarm in case of troubles.



Monday 2.5.2005

Reinsert ITS rails. Position is '1 turn' different from last time. bust be transformed by tan20 giving 0.36mm. This means that the relaxed position of the ITS rails is 0.36mm different from the one during the installation ....


Tuesday 3.5.2005

TPC moved to parking position. Starting at 10:00 finished at 12:00. Vertical displacement measured. No problems to report.C4 was mounted ...

Measurement report document EDMS 589100


Wednesday 4.5.2005

Morning: Scaffolding reinstalled in front of TPC (MADA).

Afternoon: Start of uninstallation.


Thursday 5.5.2005

Uninstallation. Integraion test finished qt 18:00. 1 day earlier than planned !!!!


Monday 9.5.2005

ATLAS platform + rotator arrived at P2. Scaffolding in front of TPC removed. Start to remove platform in Delphi frame.


Tuesday 10.5.2005

 Finish removing platform in Delphi frame. Gliding test with Teflon and other materials


Wednesday 11.5.2005

Move TPC from parking position into Delphi frame. No survey. TPC locked into position. Gliding test with Teflon and other materials.


Thursday 12.5.2005

 Gliding test with Teflon and other materials. Entering of ATLAS platform to SXL2. Start of load test. Just one measurement with the two I-bars close to the Delphi Frame.

Results from gliding test: 40x a distance of 3m ...



 Start of adaption of ATLAS platform n SXL2. Loading test: In addition to the 0.8+0.8T from the I-bars we put 1+1,2+2,3+3,4+4,3+5,2+6,5+3,6+2T. In addition a tension test of 2T between transfer rails and DF and transfer rails and SF was done.

Measurement report document EDMS XXXXX


Tuesday 17.5.2005

Continue adaption of ATLAS platform. Loading test: 2T between DF and transfer rails and SF and transfer rails on other side.

Try to do 2T between transfer rails. At 1T already a lateral displacement of 1cm. This is to be watched carefully. In the end one has to measure the clearance between transfer rails and Baby Spaceframe in order to see the status. AVID BLOCKAGE of TPC !!!

Place I-bars close to spaceframe. 0+0, 1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+4, 5+3, 6+2, 3+5, 2+6,0+0T.

Distance between feet of SF an floor was also measured. Maximum was 0.27mm at 6T. Funny behaviour from last load test was understood:

Points on transfer rails displace linearly from 0+0 up to 4+4T. at 5+3 the displacement is larger. however, 5+3 is not equal to 3+3 or 5+5 -- with 5+3 the 'inner' spaceframe ring is turning with repect to the outer one and therefore the '5 side' decends more and the '3side' even goes up - very celar !! plots will follow.

TPC lifting jig preapred. Measurement of distance between DF and SF: 3682mm with 'weight'. Adding the 1+1mm of the rope gives 3684mm. Photos will follow. This determines the relative position for placing DF and SF in the pit !


Wednesday 18.5.2005

Continue adaption of ATLAS platform. Loading test.

Transfer Rails taken out. Delphi Frame(TPC) moved back to the cleanroom.


Thursday 19.5.2005

Continue adaption of ATLAS platform.

Removal of safety blocks for transfer rails load test. Installation of concrete platform for TPC mockup. Move Spaceframe by 2.5m towards the cleanroom to make space for frontabsorber removal.

ITS rail fixation mechanism removed from frontabsorber by Luciano Simonetti. Cable trays removed from frontabsorber.


Friday 20.5.2005

Continue adaption of ATLAS platform.

Frontabsorber + support moved from SXL2 to SX2. Concrete blocks removed from pool area to cleanroom area.

Start to reassemble cleanroom frontwall.












































last update 05/20/2005